PathandTarot Reports

Website reports, social media statistics, and more.

Social Media Report January 24, 2021

Social Media Report January 24, 2021

In only its third week the social media report has taught me a great deal. By virtue of just looking at the numbers I have begun to understand what is behind them, people. Someone’s real attention and aspiration.

I have learned that the profile numbers don’t tell you about the engagement you get from other users. Profiles can have thousands of followers, but low engagement. At the same time other accounts can have a few hundred followers, and have high user engagement. This is important to understand because the goal of social media is to be able to interact with other’s content and have them interact with yours.

Social Media Report January 24, 2021 Read More »

Social Media Report January 16, 2021

Social Media Report January 16, 2021

Trying to keep track of my social media profiles is an intriguing task. The data is more complex than I had realized. What should be considered, and how to look at it? What I can tell you is that I am not sure website visits factor into these results yet, and the Youtube profile is an anomaly. It shows your subscribers and the number of videos, but it does not show how many accounts you have subscribed to.

Social Media Report January 16, 2021 Read More »