The Path and Tarot Deck Web Guide

The Path and Tarot Web Guide

This the web guide for the Path and Tarot deck. This page contains a write up for each of the cards and a short description of the symbols found in each of the cards. You will notice that all the symbols of the tarot are contained within the major arcana alone. You will find the meaning of these symbols in the major arcana section only. It will be assumed that you can go back and reference those meaning to gather a deeper understanding of the minor arcana yourself.

The page is divided into the Major Arcana (major trumps) and the Minor Arcana which contains the court cards, aces, and pip cards (the numbered cards).

I have arranged the web guide in a particular way for ease of reading. However, the way I see the tarot is a little different than the just the major and minor arcana. Within the minor arcana are three classes of cards: the pip cards (numbered cards), the aces, and the court cards.

The court cards are the human representation in the tarot. They can indicate the one being read for, the many layers of the self, or the description of the people involved in your situation. In this tarot deck the Jack substitudes the Page and the Cavalier stands in for the Knight. This represents my artist choice on how the court is structured.

The aces are the tickets into the cycles of their elemental suit. Each ace is the starting point for the number cards (pip cards). The represent beginnings and defined energy sets. They also indicate luck in a reading.

The pip cards are the cyclic energies of the suits elemental energy. These cards represent archetypal situations and actions that guide the user of the deck. Each number card has both a planet and zodiac symbol on it. This represents the decanates of the zodiac based on the teaching of the Golden Dawn. You will notice that the decans of the pip cards provide access to a deeper connection to the major arcana cards.

Each major arcana represents a cyclical part of spirit. It is thought at each major card is the fifth element spirit carrying along its hebrew, zodiac, planetary, and elemental symbols. In some Golden Dawn text 20. Judgement is thought to be both fire and spirit. In this deck it is just the element fire.

When you look at the tarot in this way the cards can reveal a whole new meaning. You can learn a little more about the symbols of the tarot here.

Major Arcana

0 Fool

The Fool is an old soul who has gone through may cycles and adventures. While you have the experiences of many life times, you cannot harness this power yet. You are about to embark on another grand journey where you will once again ascend into the universe. Once a Fool, always the universe.

Keywords: Journey, Universe, Old Soul, Adventure, Cycles, Air.

Aleph (Ox) א contains everything that has the potential to be unlocked. You have to first engage in the process of knowing what you should know to unlock Aleph.

Air ▲ Action

I Magician

You have mastered all the earthly elements. Fire, air, water, and earth. When put together they invoke spirit, the culmination of all the elements. Mercury’s intellectual energy has allowed you to become very skillful. This skill will take you on a marvelous journey through the veil. The house has been built, now you must walk through it.

Keywords: House, Mercury, Mastery, Elements, Skill, Intellect.

Beth (House) ב is the container of the spirit and is the form that is received in the physical plane.

Mercury Conscious

II High priestess

The veil is about to be taken down. This is only possible if you are able to prove yourself to the High Priestess. She waits and says nothing. Succeed in the initiation and you will see past the veil.

Keywords: Special, Veil, Initiation, Secrets.

Gimel (Camel) ג is the vitality that puts the physical vessel into action.

Luna Unconscious

III Empress

You are entering a phase of abundance. You have the power to manifest everything you need by growing your environment. If you are hungry reach out the window, and you will easily grasp fruit.

Keywords: Abundance, Manifest, Window Fruit, Growth.

Daleth (Door) ד is the result of action and enters the physical plane to create abundance.

Venus Value

IV Emperor

IV Emperor: The Emperor has risen and has given you his power. You will be able to lead, plan, and gain the authority over everything around you. Having attained this power you realize that everything serves you. It always has, but now you can see it clearly as an Emperor.

Keywords: Risen, Power, Plan, Lead, Authority.

Heh (Window) ה is the cycle of emotion and allows the physical vessel to animate.

Aries Self

V Hierophant

You are in the process of connecting your higher spiritual ideals into your practical world. The Hierophant is able to uphold ideas beyond the reach of the human condition. By understanding ritual and ceremony one can unravel great mysteries. You will be able to help initiate those who seek to see past the veil.

Keywords: Spiritual Ideals, Ritual, Ceremony, Great Mysteries, Practical World.

Vav (Pin or Hook) ו is the vessel acting as the fuel for change in the world.

Taurus ♉ Material

VI Lovers

While the lovers archetype can indicate a potential romantic partner, the lovers can also indicate that you have become complete. Your divine masculine and feminine energies are in absolute harmony. You can now enter the physical plane and have a true love experience.

Keywords: Romantic Partner, Divine Masculine, Divine Feminine, Harmony, True Love.

Zayin (Sword or Armour) ז is the complete landscape that the vessel has access to.

Gemini ♊ Intellect

VII Chariot

Spirit watches you soar through the cosmos in your chariot triumphantly. Others witness this from their earthly enclosures as you sore through an ocean of stars. The light and the dark energies unite and become the engine of your chariot. Where will it take you?

Keywords: Cosmos, Soaring, Ocean of Stars, Spirit Engine, Light and Dark, Journey, Triumph.

Cheth (Fence Enclosure) ח is the energy that lurks in pure potential.

Cancer ♋ Senses

VIII Strength

Spirit see’s that you have tamed the wild and you have gained the trust of the chaos that runs it. You accomplished this with love. This is what true strength is, love, the language of the universe.

Keywords: Taming the Wild, Love, Trust, Chaos.

Teth (Snake) ט is the divine feminine energy that serves as protection through the act of love.

Leo ♌ Character

IX Hermit

You have an old soul, and this allows you to enter the Hermit’s energy with ease. This can be useful because sometimes you need to retreat into the mountains. You have to loose yourself in order to find who you are.

Keywords: Old Soul, Mountains, Spiritual Journey, Old Mage.

Yod (Hand) י is divine masculine energy that looks into the face of the infinite abyss and questions it.

Virgo ♍ Logic

X Wheel of Fortune

When the wheel spins, it spins in your favour. This is your gateway into the divine experience. Something lucky is about to happen, and it will be something you are ready for.

Keywords: Luck, Favour, Gateway.

Kaph (Fist) כ is the form the physical vessel takes in the astral plane.

Jupiter Fortune

XI Justice

Time to do the right thing. Something has been lingering and Justice beckons you to do what is most honorable. It will be hard, but that usually means it’s the right action. Trust the process of justice.

Keyword: Honor, Correct Action, Process, Trust.

Lamed (Ox Goad) ל is the first step in understanding what is and what isn’t in the astral world.

Libra ♎ Equilibrium

XII Hanged Man

When one is hung upside down you can see the world from another perspective. It may hurt to hang by a single foot, but it will allow you to gain a unique experience through that sacrifice. Remember, when your feet are pointed to the sky, it means you are standing from the perspective of god.

Keywords: Baffled, Perspective, Experience, Sacrifice, Eyes of God, Hung.

Mem (Water) מ is the creative ability to look at things from the view of the cosmos.

Water ▼ Emotion

XIII Death

Death looms, but fear not. You can’t be reborn unless you face the spirit of death. Everything is finite, but spirit is forever. Look around you and ask what must die to become something more? When one can grasp infinite energy, death is merely a phase.

Keywords: Renewal, Infinity, Phases, Becoming, Finite.

Nun (Fish) נ is the phase of the physical form becoming purely astral.

Scorpio ♏ Passion

XIV Temperance

The tempering process involves folding yourself over and over letting the heat build up. After cooling down you will have become stronger. This will provide the needed strength to overcome the trials that you will face. It will be easy because you have become tempered.

Keywords: Strong, Tempering, Self Improvement, Quality.

Samekh (Prop) ס is the process where the astral mixes the experiences of the physical world into the astral.

Sagittarius ♐ Reason

XV Devil

The devil represents the brutal truth of the human condition. It is a reminder that you are here, on earth, interacting with others. Humans are imperfect by nature, and this is what makes us worthy of the experiences we have. Take a look around and see what you are doing. Change if you have to, but don’t be too hard on yourself. You are only human.

Keywords: Human Condition, Experiences, Imperfect, Temptation, Beauty.

Ayin (Eye) ע is a reminder that the astral world must be aware the delicate nature of the physical world.

Capricorn ♑ Utility

XVI Tower

There is no easy to way to sugar coat being tossed out of your tower. Sometimes this is a necessary act of the universe, an act of god as they say. This is a surprise opportunity to start again because it’s possible that something wasn’t right the first time.

Keywords: Act of God, Surprise, Hidden Opportunity, New Beginning.

Pe (Mouth) פ is how the universe speaks to the physical world.

Mars Division


You can more easily receive divine inspiration now. In this state you will be able to send and receive the primary message of the universe, the message of love. Your light will shine so brightly that you will light up everyone’s dark side. As the star you will show people new ways of being.

Keywords: Divine Inspiration, Shine, Love, Bright, New Ways.

Tzaddi (Fishhook) צ is the light that reveals the answer buried in darkness.

Aquarius ♒ Hope


Spirit is about to take you into the depths of your inner being, past your ego, past everything else. What is there? A boat on a empty lake? Take this journey into the unknown depths of yourself. When you come back you will be reborn and radiant.

Keywords: Ego, Depth, Inner Self.

Qoph (Ear Back of Head) ק is the moment of transcending light and dark to find the space between the two.

Pisces ♓ Truth


You are newly born as a radiant sun and have put the moon to rest. There is no fear, only pure love. You are carefree and everything is at your whim. You are now ready for your final procession.

Keywords: Radiant, Awakening, Pure Love, Whimsical, Carefree.

Resh (Head) ר is the realization that light and dark come from the cycles of a greater divine source.

Sol Radiance

XX Judgement

Remember how you mastered all the elements, how you were hung upside down, your tower moment, and when you went into the moon to face yourself? Your awakening is here now.

Keywords: Awakening, Ascension, Mastery, Reborn.

Shin (Tooth) ש is the rebirth that the divine allows when one has mastered the physical and astral worlds.

Fire ▲Vitality

XXI Universe

You have returned to source consciousness. You are it and it is you. This is the end and the beginning. With this energy everything is possible. You are at the climax of experience. You will be able to start again with the experience of a whole life time.

Keywords: Source Consciousness, The End, The Beginning, Start Again, Experience.

Tau (Cross) ת is the place where ascended entities go to become both the end and the beginning.

Saturn Temporal

Earth ▼ Substance

Minor Arcana

Ace of Wands – Fire – Vitality

You have found your wand. Vitality courses through your body. This is a moment of enterprise where you can take on the world. Ace’s are your ticket into their elemental energies. Let the fire burn away any impurities and reveal your true character.

Keywords: Enterprise, True Character, Purity.

2 of Wands – Dominance

You have gained complete control over your domain. Everything the eye can see is yours. What land is this? What will you do with it? Where will you go?

Keywords: Control, Domain, Land, visibility.

3 of Wands – Might

You have mustered up a great deal of strength. This may have come out of nowhere. Embrace it, and use it to help find your fourth wand.

Keywords: Strength, Power, Energy.

4 of Wands – Creation

The power of creation has you in its grip. Spirit see’s that you have unending energy to manifest anything. This is the time to create a foundation for yourself. Use the four wands as the corners to build your house.

Keywords: Energy, Manifest, Construct.

5 of Wands – Conflict

Challenges lie ahead. You are entering a time of conflict. Embrace these coming moments because in the chaos of conflict you will have the opportunity take hold of new ground. These are the hidden benefits of conflict. Gain as much ground as you can so you can have your victory when the dust settles.

Keywords: Challenges, Embrace, Chaos, Hidden Benefits.

6 of Wands – Conquest ♃ ♌

You have come to a point where you gained the ground you where looking for. You are here now and your conquest is complete. You could weep because there is nothing else to conquer, or you can build an empire.

Keywords: Victory, Complete, Build.

7 of Wands – Courage

You have strength that comes from your ability to be daring. You fear nothing and can withstand any danger. Use this courage to achieve greatness for yourself, and others around you.

Keywords: Daring, No Fear, Withstand.

8 of Wands – Haste

Act quickly at this time. Haste can make waste, but don’t worry, the universe can clean it up. Take action on whatever it is that you are thinking about, the rest will sort it self out.

Keywords: Quick, Take Action.

9 of Wands – Authority

You have gained the ability to influence groups of people. This comes from your learned experience over time. As a result of this you can help people make choices and impact many people.

Keywords: Influence, Experience, Sway Opinion.

10 of Wands – Domination

Either you have dominated your environment, or the environment has dominated you. In some cases you could be carrying too much in order to reach this supremacy. This overexertion could be alright in short bursts, but it will burn you out. At that point you would have succumb to your environment.

Keywords: Take Control, Overburden, Exhaustion.

Jack of Wands – Earth in Fire – Perennial

You reached a state of all seasons. Your energy is consistent and available at all times. Allow your stability to act as a stepping stones for others.

Keywords: All Season, Consistence, Available.

Cavalier of Wands – Air in Fire – Driven

You have been driven to accomplish an important task. The cavalier’s energy has purified your spirit with the wands fire. Your compulsion is focused and clean. There is no telling how far you can go.

Keywords: Accomplishment, Compulsion, Focus, Purified.

Queen of Wands – Water in Fire – Dedicated

You have dedicated yourself to something very important. Spirit cannot see what that is exactly, however, the wands and water indicate it’s related to emotional growth. The fire purifies the path, and the water washes the residue away. The path is clear, stay on it.

Keywords: Growth, Dedication, Spiritual Purpose.

King of Wands – Fire in Fire – Energetic

Your energy has become vigorous. You have the energy of a King in heat. This is action based energy. Use it to build and empower your court.

Keywords: Vigor, Action, Empower, Build.

Ace of swords – Air – Action

You should take action on whatever is on the tip of your mind. Use the aces of sword to pierce that thought you have. The moment you do this air will pick up around you and reveal the next step.

Keywords: Action, Mind, Revelation, Pierce the Veil.

2 of Swords – Tranquility

Imagine yourself by a calm lake, no one around but you. Throw a stone into the water and the complete distance of the ripples is revealed. From a place of tranquility you will see the full scope of your actions.

Keywords: Peace, Tranquil, Ripples, Imagine.

3 of Swords – Grievance

Some kind of sadness is at play causing deep regret. These moments of sadness are temporary and is a reminder that nothing is permanent. Sadness can bring growth. Use this moment as an opportunity for self assessment.

Keywords: Sorrow, Regret, Sadness, Growth, Opportunity.

4 of Swords – Recovery

You are in a state of rest. Some days you simply have to recover. After all, the human body is finite. This rest will give you the energy you need to climb to the next plateau.

Keywords: Reset, Rest, Finite, Plateau.

5 of Swords – Defeat

You have been bested. Remember that this is only temporary and there are always lessons in defeat. Seek the instruction found in the pieces of your momentary destruction.

Keywords: Destruction, Lessons.

6 of Swords – Triumph

You have gained all the ground you wanted, and your victory is not tainted by loss of resource. This is the moment where you can take your bounty and build a castle on the hill.

Keywords: Gain, Castle, Resources, Victory.

7 of Swords – Volatility

There is instability right now. Gravitational energy moves the water causing waves. The seven swords can’t made to be even. There is always the odd number out. The best you can come up with is four and three. Find a way to divide your efforts and compartmentalize what is happening. The waves will eventually die down.

Keywords: Instability, Waves, Effort, Gravitational.

8 of Swords – Imprisonment

You are feeling like you are in jail. Fear not, swords make poor bards for a jail. All you have to do is walk through them. This prison is all in your head.

Keywords: Jail, Mental Prison, Bars.

9 of Swords – Hopelessness

You are in a dark moment. All hope is lost. These moments are meant to be embraced. True blue sadness also has a tinge of energetic red. You may feel hopelessness right now, but it will spark a fire deep within you. It will allow you take action and find a way out.

Keywords: Darkness, Depth, Despair.

10 of Swords – Annihilation

You are at the point of complete annihilation. Everything is ruined. Take solace in the fact that it can’t get any worse than this. If you have lost everything, then there is nothing more you can loose. This will give you the opportunity to rebuild and renew yourself. This is a special opportunity.

Keywords: Ruin, Rebuild, Rock Bottom.

Jack of Swords – Earth in Air – Vindictive

You seek revenge against someone who has miss stepped towards you. Take caution and consider this energy as one of the many layers of yourself. What is above and below this feeling? Consider those feelings before taking action.

Keywords: Revenge, Caution, Consideration.

Cavalier of Swords – Air in Air – Cognitive

You are entering the Cavalier’s energy, a strong intellectual energy. The strongest of all the courts Cavalier’s for it has double the energy of air. Connect and then adapt. Do this with a sense cognition and you will cover much ground.

Keywords: Intellect, Adaptation, Mind, Thoughts.

Queen of Swords – Water in Air – Austere

Your energy is stern and morally strict. All of this has purpose, however, this purpose is unknown. Work through the Queen of Swords energy. There is a reason for it.

Keywords: Harsh, Cold, Strict, Purpose.

King of Swords – Fire in Air – Unbalanced

The divine masculine part of yourself is unbalanced. The fire and air mix together very well. In fact, they work almost too well at creating instability. Attempt to calm this fire and you will become balanced. Fire is necessary for consistent self renewal, but it works best when it can be contained.

Keywords: Divine Masculine, Harmonized Chaos, Renewal, Containment.

Ace of Cups – Water – Emotion

You have been given the ability to understand your complete set of emotions. An obvious thing to do is create pleasure in your life at will. This act is overlooked as if our instincts know best. Sometimes pleasure comes with consequences. This ace is your ticket into the cycle of emotions. Let’s see where it will take you.

Keywords: Feelings, Cycles, Pleasure.

2 of Cups – Relationship

There could be a relationship in your current situation that will take shape. This relationship could be related to love, work, or something artistic. Two cups can be filled. Only you can determine how much of the cups are filled, and in what order.

Keywords: Romance, Passion, Partnership.

3 of Cups – Plenty

You have enough on your plate, and more cups than two hands can hold. There is plenty for you and others. This is a time to give back to those who don’t have as much as you.

Keywords: Enough, Give, Abundance, Plentiful.

4 of Cups – Excess

A cup can only be filled so much until the the excess pours out and becomes a waste. We can only hold so much of the experience until it becomes a wash. The four of cups is a warning to focus on the entire process of filling your cup so you don’t waste the experience.

Keywords: Waste, Warning, Over Indulgence.

5 of Cups – Disappointment

Change can lead to challenges that give way to frustration and dismay. Know that this is only a temporary energy. Disappointment gives experience and lessons that will be useful in the future.

Keywords: Dismay, Lessons, Frustration.

6 of Cups – Enjoyment

You have a reached a place of great pleasure. There is harmony and everything can be divided equally. Don’t use this foundation for your own ends. Use it create long term happiness for yourself and others.

Keywords: Harmony, Satisfaction, Happiness.

7 of Cups – Delusion

You are facing false ideas. There are too many cups for you to choose from, they are uneven and lack balance. Each cup has something that you see value in, but you can’t seem to grasp any of it. Step away from what is in front of you and come back later.

Keywords: False Ideas, Overwhelm, Illusion.

8 of Cups – Abandonment

Sometimes you have to give up something that isn’t worth pursuing. Cut your loses while you can. There is no shame in this because you are respecting the fact that the human condition is finite. There isn’t always time to wait and see if something will work out.

Keywords: Finite, Time, Pursuit, Give Up.

9 of Cups – Bliss

You are in a moment of pure contentment. Things are going well, and you couldn’t ask for anything more. But there is always room for more. Can you make room for it? This is the ultimate task of bliss.

Keywords: Satisfied, Contentment, More.

10 of Cups – Completion

You have reached a place of completion. You have gone through all the emotional possibilities and arrived at a place that makes sense. You are whole and fulfilled. All of your cups can fit back on your shelf accept the tenth one, that’s the one you can cheers the universe with.

Keywords: Fulfillment, Cheers, Conclusion.

Jack of Cups – Earth in Water – Innovative

The energy you are feeling is young and raw. It tends to find its own way intuitively. Use this energy to solve problems that no one else can. This intuition can see things that the old cannot.

Keywords: Raw Power, Youth, Intuitive, Solve Problems.

Cavalier of Cups – Air in Water – Extreme

You have reached a layer of yourself that lives in the extreme. The energy is bubbling over. Cavaliers like to travel. So, travel with this built up energy and release it somewhere you have never been. Let the extremes bubble over in an unknown place. See what grows from it there.

Keywords: Intensity, Layers, Travel, Pent Up.

Queen of Cups – Water in Water – Contemplative

Your energy is becoming directed inward. You are focused on how your perception can change how you are in the world. There is fluidity in your thoughts and you are able to navigate the movement of your mind.

Keywords: Inward, Focus, Perception, Fluidity.

King of Cups – Fire in Water – Imaginative

Your imagination is at full capacity, and there is a focus on the divine masculine side of taking action. Make intuitive moves. Use the first thing that comes to your mind and develop that.

Keywords: Capacity, Take Action, Intuitive.

Ace of Pentacles – Earth – Substance

You are beginning to face reality and realize that it has more depth than you had ever realized. Every moment brings you to a deeper realization that there is more. Colours are brighter, smells are stronger, and you can feel new things. The ace of pentacles is your ticket into the world of substance.

Keywords: Reality, Senses, Depth, Essence.

2 of Pentacles – Balanced

You have reached a grounded state. Everything whirls around you, yet you remain balanced because both of your feet are planted. Staying balanced requires discipline and it will serve you well.

Keywords: Grounded, Discipline, Planted.

3 of Pentacles – Great Work

You are working at something very important. It’s your great work. Keep chipping away at this, great works take time. This could lead to some sort of monetary gain in the future. But always remember that great work is its own reward.

Keywords: Important, Future, Reward, Hard Work.

4 of Pentacles – Command

You are in complete control of your physical reality. Things work as you command them to. The earth moves to match your every step. You are completely grounded and in harmony with your self.

Keywords: Physical Reality, Order, Control.

5 of Pentacles – Loss

These are the ups and downs of the human condition. What is now will not always be. Lost things can always be replaced. When it comes to money remember that it is fiat, something that we deem valuable. You have the ability to choose what you think is valuable.

Keywords: Broke, Value, Deterioration, Money, Problems.

6 of Pentacles – Accomplishment

You have done much work and travelled deep within yourself. You have risen from your dark side and brought back something magnificent. It took a while, but this accomplishment will withstand the test of time.

Keywords: Risen, Magnificent, Complete.

7 of Pentacles – Promises

You are tending to the garden of your promises with a sense of melancholy. You realize that few are coming true. Focus on just one at a time until each promise is realized.

Keywords: Garden, Wish, Melancholy.

8 of Pentacles – Prudence

Learn to manage your resources. If you do this well enough you will be able to defer certain challenges that come from taking risks. If you are really prudent you will have amassed a large garden ready to harvest.

Keywords: Resources, Harvest, Supply, Discipline.

9 of Pentacles – Growth

You have grown much. This growth has allowed you to tap into sources you have never been able to reach. Use this increased size to learn about as many different resources as you can.

Keywords: Development, Process, Resources.

10 of Pentacles – Wealth

You will come across a great deal of wealth. Remember that the universe can provide this in many forms. Wealth isn’t just money. Wealth can come in the form of value. Look for value and you will find the wealth the ten of pentacles is seeing.

Keywords: Value, Money, Universe

Jack of Pentacles – Earth in Earth – Creative

Spirit see’s that the energy you have is young and creative. Earth on top of earth can make interesting structures. Sand castles can be an incredible thing to sculpt, but the tide can easily dissolve them. Be aware of the over arching cycles, and you will find a place for your creative structures.

Keywords: Sand Castle, Sculpture, Creativity, Cycles.

Cavalier of Pentacles – Air in Earth – Determined

You are entering a layer of yourself that is committed. There is a lot of endurance in this energy, and it can carry you a long distance. The cavalier is prepared for a long journey. How far can you go with this?

Keywords: Endurance, Committed, Long Distance, Journey.

Queen of Pentacles – Water in Earth – Revitalized

Your energy is free flowing and somewhat unpredictable. Yet no matter where the energy lands it heals and creates growth. This is a special time where everything seems to have healing properties.

Keywords: Free Flowing, Healing, Growth.

King of Pentacles – Fire in Earth – Engaged

You have become occupied by earthly energy. This is a good layer of yourself because you have spent a lot of time grounding your energy. Stay as long as you can and see what it can do for you.

Keywords: Grounded, Occupied, Earth Energy.

Note on Reversals

Here are my thoughts on reading reversed cards. Do it if you feel it is the right thing to do. I made an additional effort to make the back design somewhat symmetrical. While it isn’t truly symmetrical because of the static like design, I feel that it does the job to avoid some sensory leak when performing a smush (wash) shuffle.

Know that I have not written any official meanings for reversed cards. This will be your choice to come up with a proper reversed meaning that fits the work you are doing with the cards. The way I see reversed meaning is that is the unrealized version of the cards upright meaning. The card is not at full potential, something is holding it back. This is where I think the power of the elemental dignities can help. The Path and Tarot card spread covers the relationship of the elements.

My personal preference is use the cards upright and work with the elemental dignities and make connections to create more complexity. But sometimes having a reversed card come out when working with a few cards can also be very meaningful.

The choice is up to you my dear tarot reader. There is no wrong way to do this.

If you are curious to learn more about Tarot card meanings you check out what OpenAI ChatGPT is able to describe for each card.

About the Path and Tarot Deck
The Path and Tarot Card Spread
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Centre of Excellence. (2020). Advanced Tarot Diploma.

Cicero, Chic, and Sandra Tabatha Cicero. Golden Dawn Magic: A Complete Guide to the High Magical Arts. Woodbury, Minnesota: Llewellyn Publications, 2019.

Cicero, Chic, and Sandra Tabatha Cicero. Golden Dawn Ritual Tarot: Keys to the Rituals. Symbolism, Magic & Divination. Woodbury, Minnesota: Llewellyn Publications, 1991.

Cicero, Chic, and Sandra Tabatha Cicero. Self-Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition. Woodbury, Minnesota: Llewellyn Publications, 1995. (45-49), (45-54), (71-77).

Donald Michael Kraig. Modern Magic: Twelve Lessons In The High Magigkal Arts. Woodbury, Minnesota: Llewellyn Publications, 2010.

Eden Gray. A Complete Guide To The Tarot. United States of America :Bantam Books, 1970.

Kenner, Corrine. Tarot for Writers. Woodbury, Minnesota: Llewellyn Publications, 2007.

Monte Faber. Karma Cards Guidebook.New York: Sterling Ethos, 1988.

Neven Paar. The Magus: Kundalini and The Golden Dawn .Toronto, Ontario: Winged Shoes Publishing, 2019.

Regardie, Israel, and Michael Greer. The Golden Dawn: The Original Account of the Teachings, Rites and Ceremonies of the Hermetic Order. Woodbury, Minnesota: Llewellyn Publications, 2015.

Tarnas, Richard. Cosmos and Psyche: Intimations of a New World View. Toronto, Ontario: Penguin Group (Canada), 2006. (89-91).

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Special Notes on the bibliography

I have made every attempt to write these meanings in my own words. However, it is not possible to create a tarot without tapping into the collective knowledge that already exists. These are all the sources I used to learn the tarot and as such they served as my models for creating this tarot deck. The hebrew and astrological meanings were written in my own words but the Self-Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition by Cicero and Cicero gave me the model to draw the meanings from.

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Shuffling Your Tarot Cards
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The Path and Elemental Guide
Buy The Path and Playing Card Deck
The Path and Playing Card Deck Guide
The Symbols Of The Tarot
OpenAI ChatGPT and Tarot Descriptions

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  2. Pingback: The Path and Tarot Card Spread | PathandTarot

  3. Pingback: Buy the Path and Tarot Deck | PathandTarot

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