The Path and Tarot Suite

PathandTarot Suite Introduction

It’s weird how nature can help confirm your own intentions. Ever had something on your mind and the wind blew a certain way, and a crow fly’s down to perch itself on a fence. It looks directly at you and crows. All those things could just be coincidence, but at that moment your intentions connected with that sequence of events and it all made sense. It was as if the universe was giving you an answer. Something meaningful happened out in the world that was not connected to what was going on in your head. Synchronicity was at play.

These are the moments that the tarot can help create in your life. It is a different way of thinking about the world around you. The tarot is an uncanny system in that it is vague enough to be able to describe the entire human condition through 78 cards. Yet somehow when the vagueness of the cards is combined with human intuition it becomes accuratley descriptive when you ask it questions.

The tarot is a tool for someone to externalize their thoughts. It is you looking at yourself. No other cartomantic system can do this quite like the tarot can. When you start the process of reading cards for yourself and others you will begin to see the world around you bend to your will. You will see confirmations everywhere, and it will seem like there are symbolic signposts every step of the way. You will begin to create your own synchronicities when you need them to happen.

You will ask is this all coincidence? But you realize it won’t matter because you know that everything is connected. You are riding the waves of potential. Soon the wave will disappear and you will have to get back out there and wait for the right moment. You know it will come because you know the way of the world. Everything is cyclic, everything is a pattern, and everything begins and ends. You wait for that moment and grab it by the horns, and you ride it as far as you can. This is the world that the tarot can show you.

The Path and Tarot Suite of cards contain a playing card deck, a deck of elemental cards, and of course the tarot. Each deck of cards has its own individual uses, but together they form a suite of cards that can be used together with greater effect.

The tarot in itself can create unusual answers that reveal synchronicity. Yet, when another deck becomes involved you will see more patterns take shape. The unspoken secret of tarot readers is the use of more than one tarot deck in a reading. Other decks help confirm what each of them is trying to say and the message becomes more fleshed out. You can ask for confirmations with more than one deck. This is what can happen when you use the Path and Tarot Suite of cards. The cards will work together and help create elementally charged confirmations.

The tarot as a whole is made up of the stars, the solar system, and the physical environment around us. The planets, zodiac, and elemental symbols all make up the tarot. We can say that the tarot is an artistic representation of the universe around us. What this means is that when you consult the tarot you are consulting what we symbolize as the world we see around us. We could go onto say that you are the expression of universe when you consult the tarot.

You are the ultimate creator of the world around you. You are it, and it is you. How powerful does that feel when you know that you are the master of everything? You are the fool experiencing itself infinitely in cycles. Learning, growing, and experiencing, forever.

See the cards in action! Watch the PathandTarot Suite Playing on Youtube.

The Path and Tarot deck has recieved and update! The Path and Tarot suite is now in playing card size!

Here is another take on the tarot. I was lucky enough to have a question answered by a pod cast! WiseDrums and MyLifeIsAnRPG answer the question “how does the tarot interact with consciousness?” Could there be a better answer? I think it hits all the points it needs to. It comes back to the fact that the tarot is tool to access ourselves in different ways.

@wisedrums Reply to @pathandtarot #XPMpodcast w/@mylifeisanrpg #Tarot #Tarotreading #conciousness #science #podcast #mylifeisanrpg #tarotreader #tarotcards #therapy ♬ Bright and Positive Hip Hop 3 minutes (background music) – MPmedia

Check out the full pod cast here. My question appears at 1:22:55. Good numbers, 1, 2, and 5. In music ii V I is the foundation of most chord progressions in music.

There are a few things that you can do to support PathandTarot. I offer paid in depth reading for those who are in need of guidance, and my decks are for sale too!

I am offering a free cartomancy pack for those who sign up for mailing list. You can do that here:

The Path and Tarot decks are inspired by the teaching of the Golden Dawn, and if you are interested to learn more I would recommend the following books:

Cicero, Chic, and Sandra Tabatha Cicero. Self-Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition.Woodbury, Minnesota: Llewellyn Publications, 1995.

Cicero, Chic, and Sandra Tabatha Cicero. Golden Dawn Ritual Tarot: Keys to the Rituals. Symbolism, Magic & Divination.Woodbury, Minnesota: Llewellyn Publications, 1991.

Cicero, Chic, and Sandra Tabatha Cicero. Golden Dawn Magic: A Complete Guide to the High Magical Arts.Woodbury, Minnesota: Llewellyn Publications, 2019.

Neven Paar. The Magus: Kundalini and The Golden Dawn .Toronto, Ontario: Winged Shoes Publishing, 2019.

Regardie, Israel, and Michael Greer. The Golden Dawn: The Original Account of the Teachings, Rites and Ceremonies of the Hermetic Order.Woodbury, Minnesota: Llewellyn Publications, 2015.

Meaning of Synchronicity:

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The Path and Elemental Guide
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The Path and Playing Card Deck:

The Path and Playing Card Deck Guide
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The Path and Tarot Deck:

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