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Tarot and Divinity should not be used in place of sound legal, financial or health/medical advice. Tarot and Divinity are for entertainment purposes only.

Legal Disclaimer (the disclaimer you will read upon booking a reading with me)

(Tarot readings are for entertainment purposes only)

Tarot reading is a subjective art, and as such is interpretive. Tarot readings should not be take as absolute, and because of that tarot readings are never meant to be 100% accurate. These readings should be for entertainment purposes only.

Tarot readings should not be use in place of professional, medical, legal, or business advice. These readings do not force you to follow a course of action or exert any control over your own free will. It does not interfere with your innate common sense either. The contents of a tarot reading are not legally binding in any way. Therefore, any decisions made, or actions taken as a result of your tarot reading with me are your sole responsibility, and have not been forced upon you.

I assume no legal liability for any damages, losses, or other consequences of any client decisions, subsequent to, or based on, my tarot readings. Please practice common sense and sound judgment at all times. It is only with complete understanding and acceptance of all the above that your reading will take place. I will not offer tarot readings to anyone under the age of 18. By accepting this reading you confirm that you are 18 years or older.