Recently I did a video called beat the devil with dominoes where I played around with playing cards and dominoes. After that video, I started investigating the use of dominoes with fortune-telling. Low and behold I found out you can tell fortunes with dominoes!
It seems as though the fortune-telling aspect of dominoes was hiding in plain sight.
This article will talk about fortune telling with dominoes and reveal a refined list of the meaning of each domino for your divining needs.
How To Tell Fortunes With Dominoes
There are many methods of fortune-telling with dominoes. If you are familiar with tarot cards already you can use a tarot spread to cast a fortune with the dominoes. The easiest one would be a three-card spread past, present, and future. Shuffle the dominoes and draw three and arrange them left to right making your past, present, and future. Read the dominoes using the meanings bellow and interpret your fortune.
You can use the Celtic cross spread with dominoes as well. If you want more ideas a simple internet search will give more you more then enough spread ideas. There is no shortage of tarot spread ideas out there. Apply the tarot spreads to the dominoes.
If you want to get into dominoes, there will be a book a recommendation in the sources at the end of the article that takes care of that, so keep reading.
The Meaning of the Dominoes
I researched blogs, digital, and print resources to compile this list of meanings. This by no means a definitive list of meanings. The reason is that none of the resources corroborated. Each resource was different.
One resource was by author Raymond Buckland who published books on fortune-telling with dominoes. In two of his books, he describes different sets of meanings for the dominoes. It seems that even a well-established author offers no definitive guide to the meaning of dominoes.
The conclusion is that the system of fortune-telling with dominoes is open-ended. Being incomplete means that the system can change and be more consistent with the user of the system. The user can make changes when the context of the situation changes. I see this as a benefit.
The fortune teller can adapt the system of domino fortune-telling to their specific personality and skills. You become the system in the end, and as a result, you will have a specific personality within your fortune-telling.

The Meanings
Buckland describes a full set of 42 meanings for each domino in his book Buckland’s Döminö Divinatiön: Fortune-Telling with Dominöes the Games of Dominöes. For ease of use, the repeats of each domino are omitted. So, the list is for the 28 dominoes that make a game set.
Good teachers always leave their students with homework, and this is your homework. How can you infer the meanings of the reversed dominoes? The list below will show you the primary 28 dominoes with blanks for you to fill in. This is 7 sets of 6. The repeats are obvious in the list.
If you stick with what each set means, you should be able to infer the rest of the meanings if you choose to use them. These meaning sets are from Buckland’s Book of Gypsy Magic: Travelers’ Stories, Spells, & Healings. Each meaning is paraphrased from the book.
“6’s are for luck. 5’s are work and careers. 4’s are for money. 3’s are for love. 2’s represents friends and family. 1’s are is for travel. 0’s represent you or the person you are reading for.” (128-130)
How should you interpret 1|0 from what you know about 0|1? Should it be a literal reversal? Or it could be a new meaning that provides some resolution to the primary meaning?
For now, the choice is up to you. I recommend trying what is bellow to see if you like it. If you want to know more get Buckland’s Döminö Divinatiön: Fortune-Telling with Dominöes the Games of Dominöes and go deeper on your own.
In the end, you don’t have to use reversed meanings. Do what you feel is right. If you want to be serious about this, you can use this list and the sources below to craft your list. This open-source. All the info is out there available, it’s to you to compile it.
The List
0|0 = unforeseen difficulty; tread carefully.
0|1 = threat to your peace of mind; encounter with a stranger.
0|2 = scarcity; failed partnerships.
0|3 = gluttony for money will cause disputes.
0|4 = news of both prosperity and poverty will come.
0|5 = complications in family or marriage.
0|6 = rumors may destabilize your contentment.
1|1 = an unexpected reunion.
1|2 = a past acquaintance will come visit.
1|3 = unforeseen trip that will grant success.
1|4 = debts stunting family and personal growth.
1|5 = a love interest could take you on a new adventure.
1|6 = you will have multiple marriages, and the final one will be the happiest.
2|2 = your ambitions will be realized.
2|3 = fortune awaits, but take care to protect your assets.
2|4 = theft or growth.
2|5 = improve your public image.
2|6 = good luck awaits.
3|3 = you will uncover a lot of money through emotional struggle.
3|4 = you will find happiness in a love a forgotten love.
3|5 = an unexpected influential appointment.
3|6 = you will be given a present, possibly due to love.
4|4 = you will be invited to a big happy party.
4|5 = a fortunate surprise is coming through a gamble.
4|6 = you could marry soon and have children that make you vigilant.
5|5 = relocating would be a fortunate adjustment.
5|6 = your job hunt will be successful.
6|6 = completion and happiness.
This completes the list of all the primary meanings for the 28 dominoes.
Sources: Author: This page was contributed by Joe Celko ( © Joe Celko 2001. Last updated: 9th September 2001 Author: Jasmeine Moonsong Author: Lilith Silverhair Author: Serena
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