Those who believe in magick say that your environment can speak to you. Subtle changes in your surroundings can act as divine information for those who pay attention.
If you frequent the tarot/occult accounts on Instagram you will notice that the majority of the content is tarot cards.
Our digital environments are complex now due to artificial intelligence. Scrolling through your feed will serve you pictures of tarot cards, oracle cards, playing cards, embedded messages, and other forms of divination as content, all customized for you.
If one was to set their intentions in a specific way, one could be able to divine from the content.
The Theory of Insta Tarot
You may be doing this already. Follow the right accounts, ask the right questions, and see the right things.
Social media and the internet can respond to the user. What you put out you get back. The feed changes and grows along with the ebb and flow of the platform and how you take part in it.
The key to making Insta Tarot work is setting your intention in a specific way. Consider all your actions and desires that you put out through this social media account.
Is how you act on Instagram drawing you closer to what you desire? Are the accounts you like and follow the right accounts? Is the content you like the right content in the context with what you desire?
How to Insta Tarot
To get started create an Instagram account. If you have a profile already consider if this is the one you want to use for divine purposes. If not, then make a new account.
With your chosen profile, brand yourself in a way that somehow attracts what you wish to bring to you. Now follow as many tarot, psychic, occult like accounts. Wait and see the frequency of the posts and what kind of content gets posted from these accounts.
What you are looking for is “card content.” What I mean by that is accounts that post pictures of cards., tarot cards, oracle cards, and the like. These are the best accounts to follow. Try to find accounts with unique card pictures. There are many decks beyond the Tarot that are useful.
Making a Story
Set your intention and the question you want to inquire about and then start scrolling. When something catches your eye save it to your story. There is no criteria for what should make you choose one card over another. If it makes you stop and look at it, save it.

Soon you will get the feeling that you have captured enough cards in your story for the day. Then go into your story settings and look at the cards in sequence. These are the cards for your fortune. Read the ones you captured for the day and find your fortune among them.
You should be capturing cards that you know how to look up the meaning for, or save posts that have interpretations. Otherwise, you will have to use your intuition to decode the message. There are no right or wrong answers as you do your interpretations.
Record what you find in a diary, and rinse and repeat. That’s all there is to it. Now you can use Instagram as a tool for divination.
Follow me, and check out the stories I make daily. Use my following list as a starting point to build your feed of card content.
Ever thought about setting Tarot images as your computers background image? Read more about it here:
For recommendations on tarot resources check out our resources page: