This will be a short continuation from the previous article on how to play beat the devil. In that article, we described a way to use a French Tarot deck to play a modified game of beat the devil. Look to a previous article here to read the rules if you need them.
The French Tarot deck is not the best for divinity. The trumps cards have imagery but contain little meaning useful to fortune-telling. How can we use the French Tarot cards to cast a divine fortune?
Solution. Have a companion deck. This can be a regular tarot deck, an oracle deck of any kind, or playing card deck with 52 cards.
You will be drawing one card at a time form your companion deck for every point you score. Then you will read the cards in order as they appear after you have finished the game.
You can play this a number of ways. You can choose to not restrict your piles and play with as many piles needed to beat the game and collect all your devil points. Or you can add restrictions to piles to add a win loose condition.
Watch the video here for a short demonstration.
Reading your Devil Points
Once you have acquired your devil points read them in the order they appeared first. Arrange them in a line, this is called the devil’s path.
Because your companion deck can be anything, use whatever knowledge you have about the cards to read them in a linear way.
The devil points are only a way to indeterminately determine how many cards you will get for reading. Think of this as a way to introduce a game element for acquiring cards to use in a reading.
Once you have seen the devil’s path they can be re configured in any pattern you like. This may help reveal different messages when they become re ordered.
This can be a great method of casting a reading if you are bored with shuffling and drawing cards into a spread pattern.
You can play this with any tarot deck you like. However, I feel the French Tarot deck is best used because you can easily pick out matches.
See, a French Tarot deck can be a handy deck to have. You now have an interesing game to play by yourself and a classic game to play with others, Jeu De Tarot.
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