This card spread will help the new user of the Path and Tarot deck obtain excellent results from the cards.
The reading space must be large enough to contain nine tarot cards in a three by three matrix. To begin one must shuffle the deck very well. Simply overhand shuffling the deck is not sufficient for putting the deck in a random state. Clumps will form over time without a proper shuffle, and your readings will become ineffective. My suggestion is that before attempting this card spread take notes on shuffle methods from my article on shuffling your tarot cards.
Begin by cutting the deck once and drawing the top card. Place this card in the center of your reading space. This is the beginning card and represents the center of the intention or query you have.
The next card you draw is placed in any space above, below, or diagonally to your center card. In this way, you will be surrounding the center card with eight other cards. Once a card is placed it cannot be moved. Keep drawing cards until you have created your three-by-three matrix.
It will be your choice where the remaining cards can be placed, and you have to consider the following:
Matching the elemental dignity of the card.
Miss matching the elemental dignity of the card.
Making connections with the trump cards.
To match the elemental dignities you must know that:
Air matches with Air or Fire. Air miss matches with Water and Earth.
Fire matches with Fire or Air. Fire miss matches with Water and Earth.
Air and Fire are active energies.
Water matches with Water or Earth. Water miss matches with Air and Fire.
Earth matches with Earth or Water. Earth miss matches with Air and Fire.
Water and Earth are passive energies.
Spirit is allocated to the trumps and they match with any element. Spirit is the culmination of all the elements to make the fifth element, and is both active and passive. Spirit also becomes stronger if matched together. This will create a spirit node that empowers everything in the card matrix.
Matching elements helps expand the influence of the active or passive elemental set. Miss matching elements create demarcation points in the reading. This defines the borders of the energies present in the readings. Using trump cards creates connections between energy sets. They are like wild cards, they can be used anywhere.
If you chose to, you can expand the matrix by adding cards to either side. Doing this will expand the outcome possibility. Be careful to not use too many cards. This will overload the reading. You will realize that the message becomes too convoluted when too many cards are used. Fifteen cards is the ideal limit for this.
Once you created the matrix of cards read them in their demarcations. You will see that passive and active sections of the matrix connect with each other and inform the cards around them. The trump cards are special archetypal energies that empower all the cards around them. Ideally, if you match the trump cards you also create an expanded influence set within the whole card spread.
The three-by-three matrix allows for simple past, present, and future connections in horizontal, vertical, and diagonal directions. This reveals your future potential can be influenced by different parts of your past and present states.
When reading the card matrix consider this:
Do you have more than 3 cards of one suit? This is notable.
Do you have matching number cards, or court cards? Matches of at least 3 number or court cards are significant.
Do you have a run of cards in sequence? This indicates a clear path to an outcome.
If there are aces, where are they? How many are there? More than one ace is lucky and indicates beginnings.
If there are trump cards, what are they surrounded by? The trumps can influence all cards around them.
How many court cards do you have? One court card represents you in the reading, more than one talks about the layers of yourself, or it can represent other people apart of the situation.
What elements are present? Do you have all five represented? Fire, Air, Water, Earth, and Spirit? Having all elements is harmonious because there is full elemental representation.
This card matrix allows for much time to be spent with the cards. You can consider the many connections made through the elemental dignities and the direction of the cards. Enjoy your path.
Special Note: This card spread has been adapted to use with the Path and Elemental and Playing Card decks. Both decks can also employ the structure of this reading to preform divinations.
Check out this video reading using the 9 card spread.
Here is a demo reading in the picture bellow (done with the prototype cards). By pure coincidence the first and center card is the King of Cups. That’s me. Usually you won’t be that lucky. Chances of getting a court on your first draw is about 20%.
Write out what you think the meaning could be for this reading. Look how the demarcations were placed. It has to be in sequence. Once a card is placed it can’t be moved. Message through the contact form below and I will read what you wrote out. Those that do this can get a free tarot reading from me.

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