Zener Card Diary March 24, 2020.
I performed two test sessions on March 22, 2020. Each session had 16 tests with 65 cards. I started at 9:14 pm and it went to around 11:30 pm. In the first session, I used French Tarot cards as the bootstrapped Zener deck. In the second session, I used my Lo Scarabeo Universal Tarot deck.
Something weird happened. Well… I guess it was my own doing because, but I tried something new.
The session with my French Tarot deck was as expected. The high spikes of hit percentage were within the scope of chance. They appeared in different ways from what I had previously observed. I saw no patterns that matched the previous sessions.
I spoke of variations in the last entry, and in a way, it matched my hypothesis. It was a variation, accept it was a variation of something totally different. I had hoped that doing more than 12 tests would give me patterns to work with. In the end, I got a new set of data that looked, unlike the others. An unexpected surprise really, something new. But, the next surprise is even better.
Tarot Power
The bootstrapped French Tarot deck gave me a good data set. It was different and had more dynamics than others. But, the Tarot deck gave me something even better.
The session with the Tarot deck was turbocharged in a weird way. It gave me consistently higher results than the French Tarot deck.
The French Tarot deck gave me 190 total hits with an average hit percentage of 18.26. The Tarot deck gave me 236 hits with an average hit percentage of 22.69. Again, both within the realm of chance, but the Tarot performed significantly higher in all 16 tests.
With the Tarot deck, the lowest hit score was 10 in two tests. The French Tarot deck had 4 tests under 10. It was as if the Tarot deck was charged giving higher results consistently.
Both decks performed within the scope of chance. But, what is interesting is that as soon as I used the Tarot deck it was like a faucet was turned on. The results were immediate. The first three tests mirrored the previous session, and I expected a dip by the third or fourth test. But, the results kept coming in above 10, and never dipped until the 13th test. The graph shows a clear difference between the two.

Again, these results are both within the scope of chance and probability. What was unexpected is how the Tarot deck performed. It was uncanny.
My choice to use a Tarot was last minute. I didn’t plan to use the deck that evening. I thought why not do another session with the same amount of tests using a different deck. I had no idea the results would be that different.
It seems I have a few new things to investigate. Does this happen with other Tarot decks? Does each Tarot deck have a psychic signature?
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Read the next diary entry here: