Zener Card Diary April 4, 2020.
This entry will serve as a review of the previous entries along with some new data I have acquired.
So far, what I can say about this test is that it has revealed more about human consciousness than extrasensory perception.
I have been finding that my hypothesis is always slightly off. So, I would look at the data and try to figure out a new test to get a new conclusion.
What ended up happening with these tests is that I was chasing new anomalies. Something interesting would happen and I would try to test for it. Often the results came out as something unexpected. It almost felt like I was chasing my tail at times.
The more I looked at something the less interesting it became, and by less interesting I mean it didn’t provide any new insight. The more I did tests for anomalous results, the less the anomaly appeared, and the more the cards acted in the realm of chance.
My first thought was that each deck could present a different psychic charge and signature. The cards are not the force that is guiding the data. It’s me, the user of the cards. I am the active ingredient, the cards are passive. I imbue the cards with my energy and they become charged. The cards become an extension of my consciousness for a time.
There is something to be said here about embedding consciousness into inanimate objects. I think these tests show that to be plausible. I wanted the cards to act in certain ways, and they did, to an extent. I got to see dynamics in the data while still staying within the scope of probability.
I can’t conclude that extrasensory perception (ESP) exists as what we think it is. Also, I am not even sure that the card test is the best way to prove ESP, that is if we can prove it at all.
Captain Planet
I believe our biology allows for a certain level of ESP. My thought is that we can use all our biological sense organs to generate a virtual sense. This is a sense beyond our biology, our sixth sense. Remember the show Captain Planet and the Planeteers? It was a morning cartoon show in the ’90s. Young people are given special powers to protect the planet from pollution.
These powers were in the form of rings. When they combined the power of the rings earth, wind, water, fire, and heart (spirit), they can call on Captain Planet.
We have our five senses sight, smell, touch, hear, and taste. When we combine some or all these senses we can gain an extra sense, our sixth sense. I believe this sense is what allows us to tap into the world of quantum potential. We may be able to see and feel potential.
This potential is strange. What is it? Potential events? Potential future? It is hard to say. What I can say is that ESP is somehow connected to this.

Visualizing the Future
When doing these tests I realized that I wasn’t guessing what the card was at the moment. I was guessing what the card will be when I reveal it in the future.
If we could go to that moment in the future and see the card, logically, we could make a correct guess.
Next, I will work on visualization techniques so that I can focus on the moment when I would reveal the card to myself.
The tests I did before worked at my unconsciousness. I was performing the tests without thinking. I had videos and music playing to divide my attention. So far my unconscious mind displayed some level of ESP. It was able to identify correct answers, just not enough to be significant.
If I change my testing method to allow more time to visualize the card, would that improve my results? This way I can reveal the card during the test.
New Data
Here is the new data that I pulled from the cards recently. On March 30th I did a live stream on Instagram and performed the tests with my Yeager deck. I guessed the cards and revealed my answers during the tests. Then I performed the tests where I check my answers after.
When I revealed my answers during the test it gave me 14 hits out of the 65 cards for a 21% hit percentage rate. The second test where I revealed my answers after gave me 17 hits out of the 65 cards for a 26% hit percentage rate.
My prediction was that I would get higher results if I revealed my answers during the test. This guess was from the first time I did the test on a live stream. When I revealed my answers mid-test I got higher results. This did not happen.
The next series of tests will take longer and be shorter because I will be working on a visualization technique for guessing the card.
Read the next entry here:
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