The last entry uncovered the possibility that psychic performance can be transmitted into a deck of cards. For this entry, things get interesting as I collect new data through a new test. Oddly enough, we end up with a conclusion that takes us away from the investigation of ESP and back into the tarot.
As always, we will recap a little bit. The historic test of psychic performance is done with card-guessing. The preferred deck for this is a zener card deck made up of 5 sets of 5 symbols. The subject would guess a symbol and the experimenter would record if the guess is correct.
The long-term performance data is guessing correct 5 cards out of 25 for a 20% hit rate. You can learn about the statistics here through Wikipedia. These statistics are the basis for which parapsychologists in the early 20th century determined psychic performance in card-guessing.
PathandTarot Psychic Testing
The test in this article will use a variation on the psychic shuffling method described in the previous entry. Psychic shuffling has the experimenter pre-shuffling a deck while letting the subject shuffle another deck. The experimenter would then inspect both decks for matches to determine the performance of the session.
My version of the test has no subject, only the decks with myself as the experimenter. The decks used are tarot and a custom-made deck of the western elements that have 5 sets of 5 symbols to mimic the structure of the zener cards. The beauty of the tarot is that it also has 5 sets of card types, the major cards, and the four suits.
The simplest way to do my version of the psychic shuffle is to have two decks that have at least 5 sets of 5 symbols in any equal amount. You would shuffle each deck then draw cards off the top to detect matches until all the cards are used.
Preliminary Questions
We can ask why should we use a tarot deck and not use more elemental decks?
A good answer is that I want to observe the inherent ability of the tarot system. The tarot is a resource of archetypal power and easily connects with the conscious and unconscious mind.
If we accept that our consciousness has some kind of influence on the physical world, then the tarot could be the best device for this test.
PathandTarot Advanced Pyschic Testing
This is an advanced version of testing where I use more than two decks. In the previous test I used three, and in this test, I use five.
Before we get into the test we have to understand what matches are possible when using the elemental and tarot decks. The elemental cards are simple, they offer 5 possible matches for earth, water, fire, air, and spirit. Using the tarot’s elemental associations we can match to the elements. The wands are fire, cups are water, swords are air, eath is pentacles, and spirit is the major arcana cards.
Tarot decks offer the possibility to have exact matches. Ace of cups matches with ace of cups and so on. Using these added hit possibilities increases the overall hit chance for the test sessions. The result is the more hit possibilities there are, the more overall hits you can get.
Test Standards
This test has a general layout for how to detect the hits and how to score them.
The tarot decks can match exactly.
The tarot decks can match their elemental associations.
One or more of the tarot decks’ elemental associations can match with the elemental decks.
Matches of three or more are scored as followed. Matches of three counts for 2. One hit for the pair then another hit for the additional card. Matches of four are scored as 3, and matches of five are scored as 4.
When the tarot decks match exactly they count as two hits, one for the elemental association, and one for the exact match.

Previous Statistics
The previous article showed that when two decks attempt to match (element to element) the results are on par with historic card-guessing results. 20% to 30% was expected and attained.
This can easily scale upwards to understand what adding more decks does to the statistics. If you add another deck to the pair you will also be adding at least another 20% to the hit possibility. With three elemental decks (zener card like decks) you could expect a hit range to be 40% to 60%.
The moment we use two tarot decks along with the elemental deck the results increase. We received hit rates that were between 40% and 80%. This is possible due to the tarot’s extra hit potential.
The Test
In this test, I used 3 elemental decks and 2 tarot decks for a total of 5 decks. Using 2 tarot decks allows them to create at least one literal match. Each deck was composed of 50 cards, 5 sets of 10 cards. The tarot decks had the court cards removed and the major arcana reduced to 10 cards.
In the test, I scored 86 hits out of 50 draws for a 172% hit rate. I scored no literal tarot matches, only the elemental associated hits.
The highest possible result from the previous test done with two tarot decks and one elemental deck was 82%.
The obvious has occurred. When there are more possibilities for hits, they happen. When more decks are added together to match, they will match more often as they are cross-referenced to each other. The tarot decks offer slightly more possibility when used instead of regular elemental cards (a deck with 5 sets of 5 symbols).
What we end up knowing is that when you have 5 decks categorized in 5 sets of 5 symbols you can acquire a correct hit far more than 100% of the time. On your first draw, you will see at least one hit.
The original goal was to understand psychic ability through card-guessing, but we ended up learning more about the efficacy of using more than one tarot deck.
The result is that we learned more about using elemental associations in tarot readings. If you use more than one tarot deck you will have the potential to use the matches of the elemental associations more readily than what is possible with only one deck.
Using up to three tarot decks will allow a high chance for matching elemental associations. Along with matching the elemental associations, you will also be able to understand the messages from having miss matches of the elemental associations. This will allow a reader to create depth their readings using messages that are beyond what is present on the card.
Extended Tarot Reading Methods
A tarot reader will likely read with one tarot deck. I do that too. But, sometimes I read with more than one tarot deck. In some reading sessions, I will use 4 or 5 different decks. It creates a unique depth for the reading that you cannot get with only one tarot deck alone. I will do this for clients who seek my reading services. You can learn about my reading services here.
When I use more than one tarot deck I am allowing the possibility of matching cards and more in-depth elemental harmonization. When the cards match or harmonize it becomes a meaningful message. These micro harmonizations create agreements with the cards and allow for more clarity in the reading.
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